IM back in Black
OK everybody I'm finally updating after getting a girl friend and working and such my free time that drives me insane started to disappear. I also had some tech problems stopping me form making half assed work but I worked on it and got an update together for everyone.Ill answer those age old questions can you eat 9 crackers in a minuet.Will you get fired for making threatening phone calls to people you work with.What should the name of my car be.You only have to ask to find out. Speaking of which let people know I'm naming my car id like to have as many name suggestions as possible. The more suggestions, the more the winning name will earn someone a prize. A cool prize. SO have fun surf around and let me know about the car thing.over and out
CAN you Eat 9 crackers in a min? watch them try.
Funny Prank phone call made by A Mr.Blaze berger